Friday, January 9, 2009

Favorite thing: Virgil's Root Beer

I've never been a big root beer fan, but I cannot get enough of Virgil's! It has been a great find since I'm trying to eliminate high fructose corn syrup from my life (no more Dr. Pepper :( !). It is filled with wonderful natural herbs and spices like nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, wintergreen, and anise and no caffeine. I highly recommend it. (By the way, it is really hard to do a blog entry while holding a 15 month old.)


Katina Angola said...

I'll have to try it. I was never a root beer fan either

Laura said...

No more Dr. Pepper! That's just crazy talk! (Check out my new facebook profile pic. I thought of you while putting it up).

Beth said...

I am not so sure about the Dr. Pepper decision, however-I am a root beer lover-where do you find it??